
About Me

Welcome to Bean and Pie! I'm glad you found me. 
I'm a home baker who dropped out from a corporate writing career to pursue much more lucrative activities, like raising kids and teaching Jazzercise. I fritter away may days playing with my children, playing with dough, and playing with words. In between, I dance.
The bean and pie in the title, besides being two of my favorite foods to cook, eat and write about, are also the nicknames of our kids: the Ava Bean and the Eli Pie Guy. As budding food snobs and outspoken critics, they regularly inspire the meals and stories you'll find here. The MOTH (Master of the House) is my adoring husband Ben, who occasionally makes an appearance for comedic effect. 

Since February 2011, I've participated in an online blogging/baking group, called "Tuesdays with Dorie," in which bloggers from around the world are documenting their path through the cookbook "Baking With Julia," edited by Dorie Greenspan.

In November, 2014, the Tuesdays with Dorie group began working through Dorie Greenspan's cookbook, Baking Chez Moi. I am proud to be a part of this group of dedicated and talented bakers.

I've been published in the online magazine, Mamalode and by the cross-platform media network BlogHer, in its anthology, ROOTS: Where Food Comes From and Where It Takes Us.

I write because I want people to pay attention to the stories all around us. I believe food should be fun and I believe in spreading the gospel of quality time around the table. But you'll find more than just food stories here -- I write about whatever moves me: from the inanely mundane to the unexpectedly sublime. Often both live side by side. 

I write because I have a terrible memory, and this is how I can keep track of all the good stuff that happens day to day and year to year.

Also, I write because its the best way I can think of to connect with you, dear reader. If something moves you, please tell me. I'd love to hear from you!

Feel free to leave a comment on any page, or send an email to: tammyjkleinman[at]


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work!, and feel free to drop off any surplus goodies- around dinner time works for us.

  2. Thanks Evelyn. Perhaps something special will be showing up at our next book group meeting. Stay tuned!

  3. Like your essay about ripening. I began work on memoirs but the project has turned into a Family History story which will take me years. Anyway,. don't know if you know about "Blurb." It will be the company I eventually use to publish the work. I thought you might be interested in what this woman did:

  4. Thank you for this link! Good luck with your family history. I started out writing a "food memoir" too, but ultimately transitioned to short essay format like the stories in Mamalode. No writing is ever wasted, though -- the topics I'd originally mapped out in the memoir become fodder for the essays, and I'm betting that when I return to the memoir someday, the essays will be a great jumping-off point. Hang in there!


If you're having trouble leaving a comment, send me an email at tammyjkleinman [at] to let me know.