Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cranberry Pumpkin Bread in 5 Haikus

I should have known it would turn out badly.
Tuesdays with Dorie is back, this time with a Cranberry Walnut Pumpkin Loaf. Contrary to the image that just popped into your head (moist sweet fragrant quick bread), this loaf is a yeast bread, which calls for a bigger time commitment and, in my opinion, a stronger palatte.

So If you are feeling brave, check out the recipe on our host's blog: This Bountiful Backyard.

But I caution you to read about my experience in the haikus below first. 

Look and smell of fall
Squashy scent misrepresents
J.C. let me down

Orange, crimson, brown
Promise of fall fails to wow
This is no keeper

Lumpy loaf and hard
Berries popping sour red
Farewell pumpkin bread

Bubbles of berries
Erupting dough gets ugly
Toss that sad loaf

Palatte confusion
Too many textures to taste
Better luck next time

Now it's your turn! Leave me a haiku in the comments below -- about fall baking or whatever inspires you. 

Note: Sorry there's no photo of the finished product -- the garbage can beckoned.


  1. Awwww. So sad. Even though I had frozen cranberries, I decided to use dried. Just seemed too weird. Nice haiku though.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry it didn't work. I'll just describe my loaf in one word, delicious!
    Bagels next time--now that scares me! Dough in boiling water??

  3. Cranberry bread, no?
    Sorry you did not like it.
    Bagels be better?

    1. Love it! Thanks for playing along. And yes, I'm sure the bagels will be better. They have to be better than anything we can buy in the wilds of New England (says the transplanted New Yorker).

  4. No good at haikus.. loved yours! This wasn't the best, but it did taste good toasted. :)


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